2 hours
Stand Up Comedy
What does it take to stand up, deliver and cut it as a comedian? And beyond the jokes, the material, the sets, scripts and punchlines, at the heart of it, what is being a true comedian all about?
- Bite-sized comedy tips
- Joey’s trade secrets, life stories and other things we shouldn’t mention
- Side-splitting laughs
- Profound observations and candid conversations
Find your Funny Bones!
Learn how to become the observer of your life; how to use empathy as your superpower on stage and how to wake up an audience for the greater good of… well… the planet, really.

FREE Intro: The Opener
He’s your brother from another mother and he’s ready to share some of his stage lessons and life lessons with you.
About your Coach
Joey Rasdien
The face of a new generation of South African comedy, Joey can do it all – writing, producing, acting, and more! A man of many talents, best known for his roles in Running Riot, Bunny Chow, Vaatjie Sien Sy Gat, Dollars and White Pipes, Outrageous Blitz Patrollie and “Material”.
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